Adventurers of Oban

Adventurers of Oban is a story series that hears from a different guest each time, finding out why they love Oban and in what way it’s the perfect location for them to enjoy the outdoors. A big reason for Adventure Oban’s existence is to showcase the amazing activities and community that Oban is home to. We thought what better way to do that than to hear from the community itself. Young, old, local, visitor, professional athlete or everyday enthusiast: everyone’s story is valid and interesting.

If you’d like to feature as an Adventurer of Oban, feel free to drop us a line.
Read on to find out more about Oban’s Adventure Story!


"I particularly enjoy the variety of terrain that is on my doorstep. After a day in the office, I can easily access hills, gravel, beach, mud and rocks depending on how I feel. My kids enjoy the various walking and cycling paths and really enjoyed the Rockpool Rummaging with Adventure Oban last year.

The accessible outdoor spaces around Oban are why I enjoy living and working here. There’s always an option to get outside, whatever the weather or time of year."


Kuba gets up to all sorts outdoors, including climbing on rocks at Ganavan, building dens in the woods and anything bike-related! A lover of mountain bikes, Kuba loves riding (more downhill than uphill), so often travels up to Fort William or the Tweed Valley to ride.

Kuba would love to see a skate park in Oban and has been helping NATA (the North Argyll Trail Association) with building trails locally for more people getting out and having fun on wheels.


Being visually impaired hasn't stopped Deano being one of our most active loggers to the One Million Miles total. His love for the great outdoors is unmatched, and he refuses to let anything hold him back from his adventures.

This is what he had to say about this not so well-known version of paddleboarding...

"It’s great fun! Being so close to the water makes it feel really exciting. As I can’t see any of the scenery around me, I get to other sensory experiences, such as noise of water or waves, and the feel of the water, either via my hands in the water, or the waves crashing over the board. I spend a lot of my time on my board on my own, on lochs. If I want to go out on the sea, I need a sighted guide. I can get thrown around in the waves, but know that somebody is keeping an eye on me, keeping me in the right direction and out of harms’ way."

To here more of Deano's adventures, head to his website:

Whilst he doesn't live in Oban, Deano is a regular visitor and has been inspired by our mission to get people moving and initiate conversations around inclusivity in the outdoors.


“I like to keep as active as possible, and Oban is the ideal place. There’s a parkrun, where you can run, jog or walk, and Atlantis Leisure centre has a good selection of activities too. Plus, there’s a variety of clubs and activities to take part in: cycling, wild swimming, pilates, kayaking, shinty, football, rugby… to name a few!

I have been a member of Adventure Oban since it started and think it is a great idea to get more people involved in exercise. I have been adding my miles to the One Million Miles website whenever I have been out and about. This even includes walks to the bus stop!”


“I’d never actually heard of Oban before finding myself a work placement at SAMS, but Scotland intrigued me and I was excited to have a year away from my studies.

I’ve lived here just under a year now and I can honestly say that moving up has been the best thing I’ve ever done. Oban has so much to offer and it’s opened my eyes to the endless adventures I can be having right on my doorstep. I never got out much back in Oxfordshire but now I find myself spending all my free time biking, swimming, hiking; none of which I can say I did before! Photography has always been one of my passions but bringing that with me here has had me camping on Munros, up at ungodly hours looking for wildlife or trying to catch the perfect sunset (there are many).

The energy in this town is infectious and you’ll never struggle to meet friendly and like-minded people to spend time with in the Great Outdoors. I’ve met friends I would now consider family and I dread having to go back down South to finish my undergrad degree. I’d like to be able to say ‘…and I’ve never looked back’, however what I can say is that I’ll definitely be back; Oban is home to me now!”


“Although I love living on the East coast of Scotland, I’m always excited when the opportunity arises to head West. The sea, the mountains, the islands, the people, the wildlife and the amazing light are some of the reasons why I keep coming back! One of those opportunities to head West came a few weeks ago and I set off for Oban. 

When it comes to outdoor activities, I am definitely the jack of all trades, master of none type - and that’s ok! One of the amazing things about the outdoors is that regardless of your ability, you can still enjoy yourself. Whether enjoying a physical activity or simply taking my binoculars to see what’s around, my appreciation for the outdoors simply keeps growing - it’s a place of beauty, fun, relaxation, healing and wonder!

The famous conservationist, John Muir, once said ‘And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul’. It’s so true. I’m back in Edinburgh now but look forward to the next adventure West.”


“I moved to Oban with my wife soon after getting married. Previously we’d both lived individually in Glasgow and then on the Isle of Iona. We decided to move to Oban in 1988 to look for work before moving on to find somewhere more permanent. Almost 33 years on and we’re still here.

I feel that Oban offers the best of both worlds; it has a great community of friendly people with shops, restaurants and other attractions - but it’s also right in the heart of one of the most beautiful and fascinating parts of the world.

I have always loved riding my bike and Oban must be one of the best places to pursue that particular passion. With remote tracks and hundreds of miles of quiet roads to choose from, all in the middle of breathtaking scenery, I can ride for many miles before seeing another human being.

My daily commute on the backroads around Oban is both the perfect way to refresh me in the morning as well as being the best de-stresser after a busy day at work. And the best bit is, sometimes the worse the weather, the better the feeling at the end of it. I am happy to promote cycling as one of the best ways to maintain and improve my mental health. Why would anyone pay to go to a gym when the best possible outdoor gym is right at our doorsteps?

33 years in Oban, and absolutely no plans to go anywhere else for a while yet!”


“I first came to know Oban and Lorn through kayaking in the early 1970’s, competing in white-water races and slalom events on the River Awe. Over the next 20 years I was a frequent visitor, taking advantage of the fantastic outdoor opportunities this area has to offer. During this time, I switched careers from biochemistry to outdoor education. In 1991 I was fortunate to be relocated to work at Kilbowie Outdoor Centre and moved here with Jan, our young daughter and daughter to be.

In my early years as a competitor, I soon discovered that events don’t happen, and many facilities wouldn’t exist, without people volunteering to organise, marshal, judge, support and fundraise. Oban has a core of such people. So much of what we have in our town from Atlantis to the many local clubs and charities exist because people get together and make them happen.

At present my main activities are participating and supporting cycling on and off road plus a wee bit of coaching with Loch Eck Orienteers (Ecko). Among my current interests are ParkRun and the work of Argyll Beats Cardiovascular Disease.”


“I was welcomed into the Oban community in 1996 as a young vet in the local practice. Originally from Moray, the rugged wild landscape and diverse range of local characters instantly got a hold of my heart. I have spent time in other parts of the UK as well as working in New Zealand and Australia. However, Oban kept pulling me back.
Triathlons are my primary focus and for me, Oban is the perfect location for that. On my doorstep, amongst spectacular scenery, I can do all the things I love: running, cycling, swimming, paddle-boarding, hill-walking and canicross with my dogs. There is no escaping the hills when you live here, which is beneficial for training.
Oban attracts many like minded people and it is very easy to integrate here. It is a great, safe place for youngsters - I have two daughters. We’re also fortunate that we’ve got places like Atlantis Leisure as a hub of activities. It is a lifeline to most parents!”

James and Mattia

“I’ve always had family living in Oban and have come to visit pretty much every year for as long as I can remember. When Mattia and I decided that we wanted to immerse ourselves in the Scottish Highlands and islands with a long distance hike and kayak adventure, I jumped at the opportunity to include Oban as a stop! It makes the perfect transition point from land to sea, and because it's all so familiar it's also the perfect place to relax for a couple of days after 3 weeks of sleeping in a tent! Practicalities aside, I'm using this expedition to showcase the best bits of Scotland to Mattia (who is originally from Italy but has studied here for 4 years) and I can think of no better view than showing him a classic West Coast sunset at Ganavan!”


“My family moved from North Berwick to Oban whilst I was in high school and I was far from outdoorsy back then! It’s more recently that I’ve found my love for the outdoors and cycling in particular. I think Oban is a great place to try out a new activity and the nearby beaches and cycle paths make access easy. I am now a keen cyclist, runner and yoga enthusiast. Oban is a perfect destination to take part in outdoor activities and meet a range of likeminded people who will support and encourage you. The rural and scenic landscapes make exercising outside inspiring and I feel very lucky to have such easy access to stunning cycle routes on my door step.

This year I joined the committee of North Argyll Cycle Club as the Women’s Officer. As a club, we’re coming on leaps and bounds. The best part is being able to motivate and share my passion for cycling outdoors with others. I would say to any women looking to try an outdoor activity that Oban is a friendly and inclusive place with a great range of activities.”



“I’ve lived in Oban all my life but have also travelled the world fairly extensively where my parents’ work took them.
I’ve worked in the local leisure centre,
Atlantis Leisure is, for 30 years and have seen many changes over the years. I’ve had the privilege of watching the Centre grow and expand, giving 1000s of people life skills and experiences.
I think you’d struggle to find anywhere in the world that offers all the outdoor activities and opportunities that you get in and around the Oban area. I take part in various outdoor pursuits including diving, archery, fishing, kayaking, cycling, golf and great skiing in the winter.
I now have a young family of my own and they’re enjoying the outdoors for themselves, taking advantage of the brilliant opportunities that can be had here.”



“I arrived here in the mid 80s for a job that didn’t work out but by then June and I had fallen for the place so we stayed.
Skiing in the winter, diving and cycling in the summer - Michael grew up here and what a great place to bring up a family, so many outdoor opportunities and a real community.

Over the years I’ve been involved with Atlantis and taught 100s of people to dive and kayak and I’m still out doing it. Favourite place? - The Garvellachs, I’ve dived, kayaked and camped there. What a spot we live in!”