Why are we here?

In August 2019, Oban Community Sports Hub, part of Live Argyll, held a meeting with all the sports and activity clubs in Oban to do a full analysis of community sport in the area. From this meeting, a working group was set up, led by Atlantis Leisure, to develop a proposal with Argyll and Bute Council on the potential for a ‘Adventure Hub’ type facility for Oban at Ganavan Sands. A steering group was then formed and conversations continued as to next steps for this facility. Then in early 2020, Covid-19 hit and those facilitating the group from Atlantis obviously had quite a lot on their plate to deal with. 

In the summer of 2020, it came to light that Kilbowie Outdoor Education Centre, down Gallanach Road, was to be demolished and the land sold as a cleared site for development. This news brought together more people in the community to initially see if there was scope for an Oban community to buy out the buildings/land but this quickly proved to not be possible.

Once it was realised that the Kilbowie site was a non starter, we rekindled the Oban Adventure Hub group with some new faces and new energy, who, regardless of location, recognised the huge potential for a similar facility and opportunities for young and old in and around Oban. Thus, on the 13th January 2021, we finally incorporated Adventure Oban Ltd, a Company Ltd by Guarantee, seeking charitable status with 6 Directors and a further 15 odd folk on different subgroups to help get things moving. 

With the ongoing lockdown, we are not able to run any organised outdoor events, tester sessions or competitions, but are acutely aware of the impact being outside has on our physical and mental wellbeing as the pandemic stretches on. 

We are committed to picking up the conversation with our community and the council, on establishing an outdoor adventure hub for Oban. As per the original discussions back in 2019, we are looking at the site at Ganavan, roughly the grassy patch where the knackered swing set is. This hub could take all forms, and we would also be interested in improving the wider facilities, the slipway, tidal pool etc. 

We are also open to establishing adventure hubs around the town and working with existing clubs and groups to get more folk enjoying our great outdoors safely and with a big smile on their face. 

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Adventure Oban & BID4Oban Reopen Ganavan Toilets